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So far 3 books have been published, which we would like to introduce to you here.These books can be purchased in bookstores or ordered online (see below). 

Israel in Focus

Buch Brennpunkt

This is a shortened new release of the TELOS publishing house 1979 published book with the same title. The 4th edition was published in 2005. Now a Russian-language version of the abridged version has been published, which is mainly addressed to the one million Jews who immigrated to Israel from the CIS states. For it was precisely the Jews there who were educated by the communist regime in a religion-neutral manner. But where, in view of increasing antichristian tendencies and inadequate eschatological orientation, in theological education will also be the right to life of the Jewish people and its mission as a future missionary nation for all peoples in the sense of the "mamlechet kohanim" (Genesis 12: 3; 19.6)? Every day one hears in the media about the danger of war in the Middle East, which the Bible connoisseur can also read on the basis of the eschatological statements in the Old and New Testaments. This book is therefore a real help to every alert Christian seeking guidance in this time of apostasy. 

    Israel in Focus


          - Klaus Moshe Pülz -


                Christian Communication and Verlagsgesellschaft mbH



                      Lübeck 1998



                            German-speaking 144 pages



                                  Russian-speaking 74 pages



                                        ISBN no.


                                            3-86098-165-X, EUR 4.00

                                            Shalom for Israel

                                            Buch Shalom

                                            Since the gospel is primarily for the Jews (Rom. 1: 16-17), the ecclesiastical triumphalism of the messianic message of love has been used to an immense degree by the pagan churches. To correct this is the noble task of today's professing Jewish Christians in Israel. In meanwhile 95 press campaigns over the course of almost 40 years, the author Klaus Moshe Pülz has proclaimed in the various Israeli daily newspapers a Jewish gospel underlining the special proclamation mission of the people of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom of Peace (Millennium), so that Israel finally becomes the »light for the peoples«. (Heb .: or le-go'im). All resentment towards this ultimate goal must be dispelled. But the Jews too will have to learn that the returning Lord and Savior will not be a political great, but the pure guilt offering; who, on the cross of Calvary, took on the guilt of men, as Isaiah neatly describes in chapter 53. Israel's fruitless search for peace fails because of its efforts to bring about such a shalom by "army or force," which clearly disputes Zechariah 4: 6. The present documentary documents the decades-long commitment to the message of peace of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, who will emerge victorious in this "final battle" by his personal appearance on the Mount of Olives (see Items 12, 10-14, 14-14).

                                              Shalom for Israel



                                                    - Klaus Moshe Pülz -



                                                          Christian Kommumikation and Verlagsgesellschaft mbH



                                                                (Lübeck 1995)



                                                                      German-speaking 509 pages



                                                                            Russian-speaking 413 pages



                                                                                  ISBN no.


                                                                                      3-86098-164-1, EUR 15,00

                                                                                      Anti-Semitism - yesterday and today

                                                                                      Buch AntiSemitismus

                                                                                      Klaus Moshe Pülz, a messianic Jew with Israeli citizenship, is both the chairman of the German "ZeLeM Association for the Promotion of the Messianic Faith in Israel" and the "Messianic Confessional Community" founded in 1980 in Israel. Since 1981, his journalistic work has focused on messianic issues in the Israeli public.

                                                                                      In this book, he deals in particular with the controversial topic of ecclesiastical anti-Judaism and social anti-Semitism into our day, in particular by the influx of mass immigration of Muslim people from the Middle East and Africa in Germany. The two-thousand-year history has shown that the love teaching of the Sermon on the Mount did not reach the Jews in the Diaspora. This heavy mortgage makes the message of salvation and peace of the Gospel implausible among the Jews to this day. Since the founding of Israel in 1948, God's demonstration people have become a challenge to the Arab riparian states. In contrast, the situation of the Messianic Jews in the country itself is extremely problematic because of the claim to power of the ultra-orthodox Jews.

                                                                                        Anti-Semitism - yesterday and today



                                                                                              - Klaus Moshe Pülz -




                                                                                                    © 2000 by Hänssler-Verlag GmbH



                                                                                                          71087 Holzgerlingen



                                                                                                                German-speaking 208 pages



                                                                                                                      Russian-speaking 213 pages



                                                                                                                            ISBN no.


                                                                                                                                3-7751-3458-1, preferential price EUR 5.00

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